Drag'n'drop an image onto the Scene View. Configure the material properties and export your PBR material in various formats for use in Blender, Cheetah3D, SceneKit and ARKit projects and other 3D applications. Great speed up for Archviz and Game development.
Sounds easy? It's easy!
Download the latest version of the Public Beta to import and export glFT and USD files and enable non-destructive material editing.
Now just a bit more detailed: What does this damn PBRtist do exactly?
In this video I show my typical workflow using glTF und USD files when it comes to presenting 3D visualisations to my clients and all the people involved in a project to enable a nice AR experience.
"Congratulations to your wonderful app. Creating proper PBR texture is pretty challenging and I have to admit that I also
struggled converting a normal image to a PBR texture set. But your app makes it that easy – it's a true joy.
Also thank you very much for the smooth Cheetah3D integrations with direct export capabilities to Cheetah3D materials.
I can just recommend everybody checking out this application. You won't regret it."
Martin Wengenmayer, cheetah3d.com, Germany.
The Scene View
PBRtist displays your PBR material with an optional HDR background and environment lighting in the Scene View.
Map Editor
Use the Map Editor at the bottom of every document to configure the maps for your PBR material.
Fine tune a map with the Tone Curve Editor and several controls:
Version 2.0 features marked with *
With PBRtist 2.0 you get the following new filters:
Coat Normal
Coat Roughness
Mask Editor
Use the Dodge & Burn Mask Editor to customize and enhance the displacement, roughness, metallic or occlusion map.
Material Inspector
The Material Inspector on the right side of each PBR document gives you full access to all possible material properties.
This Inspector works similar like the Scene Kit material editor from Apple's Xcode.
Expand a property to get access to various attributes.
The Sync button synchronizes changed attributes to other properties.
In the example above the scaling transform will be applied to all your used maps.
Export your PBR material
Blender Example
Cheetah3D Example
Export your materials in various formats:
Examples files for Blender and Cheetah3D are provided with PBRtist.
Feature List
Version 2.0 features marked with *
Scene View
Map Editor
Material Inspector
Edit material name and properties:
Set attributes for each material property:
General Settings:
Import* & Export
, .glb
, .usdz
*and more...
You can download and try out PBRtist for free.
If you want to remove the watermark in the free version you'll need to purchase a license key from us.
PBRtist is non subscription software.
Version 2.0 Beta Version System requirements:
This is a free update for users of the previous version.
For a limited time you can buy a discounted license for only $49.95. After the introductory period, PBRtist costs $99.
Version 1.0 System requirements:
How to install PBRtist on macOS:
If you need any further information, feel free to contact us:
even-u software
Kurfuerstenstrasse 55
53115 Bonn
pbrtist (at) even-u (dot) com